2025/01/20 00:36:26 Authorizing with the credentials file at "/home/kernelci/data/kcidb/kernelci-production-ci-kernelci.json" 2025/01/20 00:36:28 [kernelci-production:us-central1:postgresql2] Listening on [::]:5432 2025/01/20 00:36:28 The proxy has started successfully and is ready for new connections! 2025/01/20 00:36:30 [kernelci-production:us-central1:postgresql2] Accepted connection from 2025/01/20 08:37:07 Sending SIGTERM signal for proxy to shutdown. 2025/01/20 08:37:07 SIGTERM signal received. Shutting down... 2025/01/20 08:37:07 proxy server error: accept tcp [::]:5432: use of closed network connection