02/20/2025 08:38:55 PM UTC [INFO] Listening for available checkout events 02/20/2025 08:38:55 PM UTC [INFO] Press Ctrl-C to stop. 02/20/2025 08:40:07 PM UTC [INFO] 67b79327dfb1dea6f76b9dfe shell shell kver 7 Getting kernel source tree... Source directory: /tmp/kci/linux-kernelci-staging-next-staging-next-20250220.4 Running job... Checking kernel revision Result: pass Filtered: Job kver not found in jobfilter for node 67b79441dfb1dea6f76b9e5f 02/20/2025 09:13:00 PM UTC [INFO] 67b79adbdfb1dea6f76ba037 shell shell nipa-update 8 Cloning into '/tmp/kernelci-nipa'... Switched to a new branch 'various-improvements' branch 'various-improvements' set up to track 'origin/various-improvements'. Results file created: netdev-results/jsons/results-67b79adbdfb1dea6f76ba031.json Added test result to netdev-results/jsons/results-67b79adbdfb1dea6f76ba031.json Extracted log saved to netdev-results/results/67b79adbdfb1dea6f76ba031/blktests-nvme_056_tcp_ddp/full_log Entry added to netdev-results/jsons/results.json Getting kernel source tree... Source directory: /tmp/kci/linux-aaptel-nvme-rx-offload-v26-v6.14-rc2-627-g1aed76d3adf01 Running job... Executing nipa-update for node 67b79adbdfb1dea6f76ba037 02/21/2025 12:09:17 AM UTC [INFO] Stopping. 02/20/2025 08:38:55 PM UTC [INFO] Listening for available checkout events 02/20/2025 08:38:55 PM UTC [INFO] Press Ctrl-C to stop. 02/20/2025 08:40:07 PM UTC [INFO] 67b79327dfb1dea6f76b9dfe shell shell kver 7 Getting kernel source tree... Source directory: /tmp/kci/linux-kernelci-staging-next-staging-next-20250220.4 Running job... Checking kernel revision Result: pass Filtered: Job kver not found in jobfilter for node 67b79441dfb1dea6f76b9e5f 02/20/2025 09:13:00 PM UTC [INFO] 67b79adbdfb1dea6f76ba037 shell shell nipa-update 8 Cloning into '/tmp/kernelci-nipa'... Switched to a new branch 'various-improvements' branch 'various-improvements' set up to track 'origin/various-improvements'. Results file created: netdev-results/jsons/results-67b79adbdfb1dea6f76ba031.json Added test result to netdev-results/jsons/results-67b79adbdfb1dea6f76ba031.json Extracted log saved to netdev-results/results/67b79adbdfb1dea6f76ba031/blktests-nvme_056_tcp_ddp/full_log Entry added to netdev-results/jsons/results.json Getting kernel source tree... Source directory: /tmp/kci/linux-aaptel-nvme-rx-offload-v26-v6.14-rc2-627-g1aed76d3adf01 Running job... Executing nipa-update for node 67b79adbdfb1dea6f76ba037 02/21/2025 12:09:17 AM UTC [INFO] Stopping.