02/27/2025 12:10:06 AM UTC [INFO] Listening for available checkout events 02/27/2025 12:10:06 AM UTC [INFO] Press Ctrl-C to stop. 02/27/2025 07:21:34 AM UTC [INFO] 67c0127eeecf98af3e1263ef shell shell nipa-update 6 Cloning into '/tmp/kernelci-nipa'... Switched to a new branch 'various-improvements' branch 'various-improvements' set up to track 'origin/various-improvements'. Error: No parent job found for node 67bfbe15eecf98af3e1260bf Getting kernel source tree... Source directory: /tmp/kci/linux-netdev-testing-net-next-hw-2025-02-27--00-00-v6.14-rc3-882-gfda0868c6badb Running job... Executing nipa-update for node 67c0127eeecf98af3e1263ef Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/kernelci/data/output/tmparf42nj7/nipa-update", line 212, in main results = job.run() ^^^^^^^^^ File "/home/kernelci/data/output/tmparf42nj7/nipa-update", line 125, in run return self._run(src_path) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/home/kernelci/data/output/tmparf42nj7/nipa-update", line 171, in _run raise Exception(f"Failed to run nipa-update for node {self._nodeid}: {r.stderr}") Exception: Failed to run nipa-update for node 67c0127eeecf98af3e1263ef: None 02/27/2025 08:05:01 AM UTC [INFO] 67c01cadeecf98af3e1263fa shell shell kver 19 Getting kernel source tree... Source directory: /tmp/kci/linux-kernelci-staging-next-staging-next-20250227.0 Running job... Checking kernel revision Result: pass 02/27/2025 08:06:07 AM UTC [INFO] 67c01cefeecf98af3e12642b shell shell kver 20 Getting kernel source tree... Source directory: /tmp/kci/linux-netdev-testing-net-next-hw-2025-02-27--08-00-v6.14-rc3-904-g5d37a79e153ab Running job... Checking kernel revision Result: pass 02/27/2025 09:41:07 AM UTC [INFO] 67c03333eecf98af3e1271a6 shell shell nipa-update 21 Already up to date. Results file created: netdev-results/jsons/results-67c03333eecf98af3e1271a0.json Added test result to netdev-results/jsons/results-67c03333eecf98af3e1271a0.json Extracted log saved to netdev-results/results/67c03333eecf98af3e1271a0/blktests-nvme_056_tcp_ddp/full_log Entry added to netdev-results/jsons/results.json Warning: Permanently added '[storage.staging.kernelci.org]:22022' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. Getting kernel source tree... Source directory: /tmp/kci/linux-netdev-testing-net-next-hw-2025-02-26--16-00-v6.14-rc3-865-g0a7278d633e5 Running job... Executing nipa-update for node 67c03333eecf98af3e1271a6 02/27/2025 09:50:44 AM UTC [INFO] Stopping.